The Imperial Iranian
Air Force was the largest overseas operator of the F-4 Phantom before the Revolution. The Imperial Iranian Air Force ordered 16 F-4Ds in 1967; they ordered a second batch of 16 F-4Ds later. The first batch of F-4Ds arrived in Iran on September 8, 1968, with 32 F-4Ds being ultimately delivered to the Imperial Iranian Air Force. Iranian F-4Ds were used in several unsuccessful attempts to intercept Soviet MiG-25 that were spying on Iran. The first combat use of the F-4D by Iran was in 1975 when Iran provided military assistance to the Sultan of Oman in actions against rebels. One of these F-4Ds was lost to ground fire.
The government of Iran ordered 208 F-4Es and 32 RF-4Es from McDonnell during the early and mid-1970s. The first examples were delivered in March of 1971. A total of 177 F-4Es (plus eight F-4Es borrowed from the USA and subsequently returned) and 16 RF-4Es were delivered to the Imperial Iranian Air Force between 1971 and 1979. However, in 1979, the Revolution took over the government, and on February 28, 1979, the US government placed an embargo on further arms deliveries to Iran. The remaining 31 F-4Es and 16 RF-4Es on the contract were never delivered.
At this time, Iran had almost 223 operational Phantoms. Contrary to Western reports, F-4 squadrons managed to maintain their combat effectiveness despite widespread political upheavals and personnel purges. Technical malfunctions, often appearing during flight preparation, would reduce the flight packages, but missions were seldom aborted for this reason.
The outbreak of the Iraq-Iran War on the afternoon of September 22, 1980, resulted in the newly reorganized Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF) having to rely heavily on its F-4 Phantom units. This legendary veteran fighter-bomber was the star of the Iranian Air Force during the eight-year war with Iraq, performing virtually every combat role, from pure fighter to deep-penetration interdictor. Phantoms were to play a vital role in most of the missions far into Iraqi territory, in many cases returning to base after sustaining heavy combat damage.
The F-4’s baptism of fire during the war with Iraq was unexpected. The conflict began with an Iraqi air attack on six Iranian air bases and four Iranian army barracks, followed by a land offensive deep into the country at four points along a 435-mile (700km) front. This first Iraqi air attack failed due to rigid and inflexible mission planning, lack of sufficient target intelligence, and the use of unsuitable general-purpose (GP) bombs. One F-4E was destroyed by having its nose section cut off in a strafing run on the ramp at the Mehrabad airport, and another F-4 base, Hamedan, also suffered some damage.
The first Iranian air attack on Iraq saw the successful bombing of Al-Shoibiya naval base, near the port city of Um-Al Qassr, by four F-4s from Bushehr AB, using 1,000lb (450kg) bombs. Among the targets were several anti-shipping missile batteries. This Iranian retaliation was so swift that Iraqi air defense positions had been caught by surprise right across the flight route. The next day, up to 140 Iranian fighter-bombers, including significant numbers of F-4s from Bushehr, Tehran, and Hamedan, attacked several Iraqi air bases and military installations with almost total impunity.
These first days of the war saw other air strikes against such targets as the military installations of the Um-Al-Quasar. On one such mission, a two-ship formation of F-4Es, each armed with six 750lb (340kg) GP bombs, attacked Iraqi port installations and anchored missile boats. Some 20 minutes later, an RF-4E took reconnaissance photos of the aftermath, which showed that heavy damage had been inflicted on ships and harbor installations.
The general tactic for during such missions was to approach the target from different directions and then execute a pop-up and dive attack. On the return flight, a SAM missile on the right wing hit one of the Phantoms, damaging some of its systems and control surfaces; despite this, the aircraft was still flyable. However, the fuel indicators did not work, and the right-wing caught fire. The runways of the nearest base were still damaged from the first day’s bombing, so the crippled Phantom had to land on the unaffected part at a higher-than-normal speed. The tires burst, and the aircraft ran off the end of the runway after the crew had already ejected. Later, the aircraft’s wing was replaced, the first time such work had been undertaken in Iran, and it was returned to combat service.
The first months of the war saw the Iranian Air Force making concentrated efforts to halt the Iraqi ground advance, often directly engaging tank and vehicle columns, sometimes at altitudes as low as 10-13f. (3-4m). Iraqi MiG-21 and MiG-23 fighters were used as top cover to protect their military columns heading toward Iran, and as a result, there were many air-to-air encounters – with mixed results.

Attack on Habbaniyeh Airfield
A month after the Iraqi invasion, two F-4D Phantoms were sent to attack the vital air base of Habbaniyeh, 70 miles (112km) west of Baghdad. The flight was equipped with ECM pods and supported by F-14 Tomcats at the border, with an RF-4E on stand-by. Aerial refueling was carried out at 13,000ft (3,960m), and the Phantoms then crossed the border to their target. One aircraft was shot down by a SAM over Baghdad and its crew was taken prisoner. The second Phantom was able to evade an SA-6 missile by making an 11g turn, the missile passing across the aircraft's tail and wing. The crew realized it was impossible to continue the attack and resorted to a pre-determined secondary target, the Al-Bakr oil refinery.
On the return leg, two Iraqi MiG-23s intercepted the F-4 and fired air-to-air missiles; the Phantom, flying at a very low altitude, jettisoned its drop tanks and made evasive maneuvers. The MiGs finally broke off the pursuit, by this time the Phantom was very low on fuel and the crew declared an emergency, preparing to eject. Having no other alternative, the supporting stand-by Boeing 707 tanker crossed the border into Iraq to provide much-needed fuel for the starving F-4, which had only 700lb left by then.
During the early months of the war, the number of Iranian aircraft being shot down by Iraqi air defenses was relatively low, mainly because the operators were so inexperienced. However, this rate increased as the conflict progressed and newer systems were introduced. The flat topography of Southern Iraq meant that intruding Iranian aircraft were detected soon after entering the country. Deployment of newly-purchased low-altitude Cortile and Roland SAMs in and around Nasseriyeh AB and other significant military sites, including the strategic city of Baghubeh near Baghdad, during 1986-87, increased the capabilities of the Iraqi defenses.
Iraq's most impenetrable air defense network was undeniably to be found protecting Baghdad. The city was surrounded by overlapping belts of SA-2/-3/-6/-8, Roland and Cortile SAMs, radar-guided AAA and MiG-21/-23, and -25 air defense fighter interceptors.
On March 19, 1982, a high-altitude strike formation of Phantoms was bounced and engaged by an Iraqi MiG-25 Foxbat from a distance of 60 miles (97km). It was also simultaneously illuminated by air defense radars. Several SA-2' telegraph poles' were seen passing through the formation, but all exploded at higher altitudes, having been decoyed by the Phantom ECM pods. However, one F-4 was hit by an AAM fired from the Foxbat, shattering its canopy, causing the right engine to shut down, and badly damaging the fuselage. Nevertheless, the pilot managed to land his aircraft safely.
The Iraqis also practiced a tactic of setting up ambushes inside Iran at the border areas and pulling Iranian aircraft into the Iraqi airspace. Then, Iraqi Mirage F1 or MiG-25 fighters equipped with long-range missiles would intercept them. Some Iranian F-4s were shot down using this tactic, particularly over the northern Persian Gulf. Iranian Phantoms and F-14A Tomcats were also used to take advantage of such cooperative tactics; F-4s acted as the prey, and F-14s as the hunters. This is contrary to previous reports in Western publications, where it had been suggested that Tomcats served as prey for hunter Phantoms.
As for another vital mission late in the war, during Operation Valfajr-10, Iranian F-4 Phantoms attacked and bombed Baghdad's Tamuz nuclear reactors for a second time.
Iranian Air Force used various weapons options in conjunction with its F-4 Phantom operations. They included general-purpose bombs, such as 500lb. Snakeye (x12) to 750lb. (x6) and 1,000lb. (x6) GP or retard versions. AIM-7E Sparrow and AIM-9P/J Sidewinder missiles were carried regularly for air defense and fighter escort missions. Other weapons included the AGM-65A Maverick used in conjunction with the TISEO electro-optical sensor, the BL 755 cluster bomb customized for low-altitude delivery, Napalm tanks, and LAU-61 rocket launchers. Iranian F-4Ds also used the SUU-23 gun pods to good effect.
Two Iranian F-4D Phantoms were tasked with striking a logistically important bridge near Basreh on September 29, 1981, employing LGBs. They used a buddy-lasing tactic, one acting as target designator at about 13,000ft equipped with AVQ-9 Pave Light laser designator. The target was hit, but a short time later, an SA-6 missile homed in on the designating aircraft. Both crews ejected as the plane was destroyed.
Escaping US Missiles
According to Iranian records, in early spring 1988 – it happened during the so-called "Battle of the Frigates" on 18 April 1988, an Iranian F-4E Phantom from 9th Tactical Fighter Base, Bandar-Abbas, armed with air-to-air missiles, was tasked with escorting several other Iranian Phantoms undertaking an unspecified strike mission within the Persian Gulf. That day, US forces in the area were also active, and their warships warned off the low-flying Iranian strike package several times.
The escort Phantom was scanning the area for any hostile activity as the other F-4s attacked their targets one after the other and then left the area. Shortly after the last attacking aircraft returned, the escort fighter's RWR/RHAW indicated a missile lock. Moments later, a reportedly Standard Missile SM- 2ER radar-guided surface-to-air missile, said to be launched from USS Wainwright, operating in the area near the Straight of Hormuz, was seen coming towards the Phantom.
The Phantom jinked hard with maximum power to break the radar lock, pulling a +12g turn. The missile exploded nearby, spraying the airframe with shrapnel, severing hydraulic lines, and damaging the left engine.
The aircraft headed towards the nearest auxiliary airstrip, but on the way, it again came under attack from behind. The Phantom tried hard to break the radar lock by flying low and taking evasive action. A moment later, near the airstrip, another missile passed the right side of the F-4, hitting the water and exploding. The aircraft managed to evade this and landed on the runway. Since the airstrip lacked a barrier facility, the pilot decided to get airborne again – despite the threat from the unseen missile shooter – and headed toward the main base.
Despite partial hydraulic failure, engine problems, and severe damage to the wing and fuselage, the Phantom remained controllable and finally landed in Bandar Abbas. This aircraft was rebuilt and returned to service after 6,000 person-hours and two and half months of work.
Phantom had been undeniably the backbone of the Iranian Air Force during the country's eight-year war with Iraq. It is a role still fulfilling to the best of the Iranian Air Force's technical ability.
Main F-4 Operating Bases
1st Fighter Base, Mehrabad, Tehran. It generated fighter and escort missions inside the border along western and south-western Iraq. It also operated as the central hub for tanker operations and aerial reconnaissance missions into Iraq and over battle fronts.
3rd Fighter Base, Hamedan (Shahrokhi, later Nojeh). Home to 31st and 32nd Fighter Wings. This base was in charge of aerial support of the western front. The flying time from this base to Baghdad was 30 minutes. Due to its high sortie generation rate, Nojeh came under constant enemy bombing.
4th Fighter Base, Dezful (Vahdati) (mostly F-5). Because of its proximity to the Iraqi border, this base was constantly under artillery attacks and bombing.
6th Fighter Base, Bushehr. This base was mainly tasked with attacks on shipping in the northern and central parts of the Persian Gulf, escort and support of Iranian naval operations, and strike missions against Iraqi ports and naval vessels.
9th Fighter Base, Bandar Abbas. Mainly in charge of attacking shipping in the Persian Gulf, aircraft from this base monitored foreign military activities in and around the Strait of Hormuz and provided escort and support of Iranian naval assets.
10th Fighter Base, Chabahar. This AB was in charge of monitoring the Sea of Oman and the Arabian Sea.
1st Tactical Air Base , Tehran (Mehrabad)
Two Squadrons F- 4E
One Squadron RF- 4E Recon
2nd Tactical Air Base , Tabriz
Three Squadrons F- 4 E
3rd Tactical Air Base , Hamadan ( Shahrokhi)
Three Squadrons F- 4 E
6th Tactical Air Base , Bushehr
One Squadron F- 4 E
Two Squadrons F- 4D
7th Tactical Air Base , Shiraz
One Squadrons F- 4 E
9th Tactical Air Base , Bandar Abbas
One Squadrons F- 4E
10th Tactical Air Base , Chabahar
One Squadron F- 4 E
Specification for Mc Donnell Douglas F-4 PHANTOM II
Type: multi-role fighter
Performance: combat radius 786 miles; top speed 1585 mph; ceiling 62000 feet
Power Plant: two General Electric J79-GE-17A turbojets rated at 11810 lbs. thrust each dry; 17900 with afterburner
Armament: one M61 20mm cannon w/ 640 rds., maximum ordnance 16000 lbs., including bombs, missiles, AIM-7Sparrow, AIM-9 Sidewinder ,Maverick and AAMs.
IIAF F-4 Phantom serial Numbers
67-14869/14876 McDonnell F- 4D-35-MC Phantom
67-14877/14884 McDonnell F- 4D-36-MC Phantom
68-6904/6911 McDonnell F- 4D-37-MC Phantom
68-6912/6919 McDonnell F- 4D-38-MC Phantom
69-7711/7726 McDonnell F- 4E-46-MC Phantom
69-7727/7742 McDonnell F- 4E-47-MC Phantom
71-1094/1101 McDonnell F- 4E-51-MC Phantom
71-1102/1115 McDonnell F- 4E-52-MC Phantom
71-1116/1129 McDonnell F- 4E-53-MC Phantom
71-1130/1142 McDonnell F- 4E-54-MC Phantom
71-1143/1152 McDonnell F- 4E-55-MC Phantom
71-1153/1166 McDonnell F- 4E-56-MC Phantom
72-0266/0269 McDonnell RF- 4E-48-MC Phantom
73-1519/1534 McDonnell F- 4E-57-MC Phantom
73-1535/1549 McDonnell F- 4E-58-MC Phantom
73-1550/1554 McDonnell F- 4E-59-MC Phantom
74-1725/1728 McDonnell RF- 4E-61-MC Phantom
74-1729/1736 McDonnell RF- 4E-62-MC Phantom
75-0222/0257 McDonnell F- 4E-63-MC Phantom Order cancelled in 1979
78-0751/0754 McDonnell RF- 4E Phantom Order cancelled in 1979, planes reduced to components.
78-0788 McDonnell RF- 4E Phantom Order cancelled in 1979, plane reduced to components.
78-0854/0864 McDonnell RF- 4E Phantom Order cancelled in 1979.